Oftentimes, as borrowers research payday loans/cash advances throughout the Internet, they come across websites that state that payday loans are for "financial emergencies" without further defining what they mean. It may seem obvious, but in reality many people are left confused by this phrase. A "financial emergency" to one person may be needing money to purchase a satellite dish, while to others it may mean needing to come up with fast cash in order to pay rent or a medical bill.

Of course, a true financial emergency is the latter, and that is precisely what a payday loan/cash advance loan should be used for. Whenever one finds him/herself in a financial bind, a no fax cash advance loan is always a convenient option, as they are always readily available and are completely manageable when one needs financial relief in a pinch. It is important to remember, however, that payday loans are to be used responsibly, as they it is quite easy to abuse them since they are so convenient to obtain.

A cash advance loan can be used in any number of ways, but the following is a "Top 10" list to get an idea as to why using a cash advance loan may be the best option in any precarious financial situation. This list is NOT in order of importance:

  1. Your car breaks down, and you absolutely need your car in order to get to and from work, etc. If you need money right away to fix your car, a cash advance loan is a great option.
  2. You paid your bills on time, you're in good health, but you are short on money to spend on leisure activities. A payday loan can allow you to have some extra spending money to put enjoy yourself until your next payday.
  3. The cumulative amount of your late fees are higher than the low fixed cost of a payday loan. A good rule to remember, as referenced on numerous websites, is that one can expect to pay $15 for every $100 borrowed.
  4. The payment for your utilities is past due, and they are about to be turned off if a payment is not made promptly.
  5. You are past due on your cell phone bill, and it has already been turned off due to late payment.
  6. An impromptu medical emergency requires your immediate attention, and you are short on cash in order to make the payment.
  7. You are late on a few credit card payments, and collection agencies are breathing down your neck wanting to collect the debt. Instead of risking a declining credit score, a no fax cash advance can salvage your situation.
  8. Rent is due soon, and you cannot wait until your next payday to make the payment. Instead of risking eviction, securing a cash advance loan is a good idea.
  9. Payday is two weeks away, and you don't have enough money to pay for basic necessities, such as groceries or gas for your car. Cash advance loans can come in handy in situations like these.